
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Clare's Video Debut

Here she is! Not doing much, just being Baby Clare!

Camera Fun

George let Grace play with the camera today. Amidst the thousands of floor and ceiling shots, she got some pretty funny pictures...

Daddy's Hairy Legs

Silly Daddy!

Mommy changing Baby Clare

Jake and Quack

Around the House

Since I am recovering from surgery and we are all adjusting to life with a third child, we have been hanging around the house quite a bit lately. At her one week appointment, Baby Clare weighed 8 lbs! That's up from 7 lbs 6 oz at birth and 7 lbs 4 oz at discharge from the hospital. She's getting so big! Here are some recent pics...

Daddy & Baby Clare
Mommy & Baby Clare

Daddy, Grace, & Jacob playing with bubbles

Playing on the floor

She looks so chubby here!

Waiting on Dinner

"Helping" Mommy

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Park Outing

We made our first brief park outing on Sunday with Baby Clare, Grace, and Jake. It was fun but quite warm. We'll have to go earlier next time!

Miss Gracie Girl

Mommy and Baby Clare

Love the See Saw

One Cool Dude

We're Home!

We got to come home with Baby Clare on Saturday afternoon (and believe me, we were all ready to be home). Everyone is doing well at home together.

Leaving the Hospital

First Car Ride


Our Happy Baby Girl

Grace Holding Clare

Friday, April 18, 2008

Clare is here!

Baby Clare made her arrival yesterday, April 17th, at 2:55pm. She weighed 7lbs 6oz and is 20 1/4" long. Story to come soon...

Just Born...

Mommy meets Baby Clare

Shortly after birth...

Getting Cleaned Up...

Daddy and Baby Clare...

Jake playing with his new trains at the hospital...

All snuggled up...

Grace giving Mommy a kiss...

Mommy cuddling her littlest girl...

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Fun at the Park

After swimming at the local Y, we took Grace and Jake to the park and got some cute pics. Here they are...

Grace loves this bouncy horse thing. She rides it every single time we go to the park.

She's a brave girl!

Learning to climb all by himself.

Waiting for a push.

Come out Baby Clare!

George took this pic before Mass this morning. It is the only belly pic we have taken so far this pregnancy, and I'm hoping Clare will make her arrival soon. I'm 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant!

Bluebonnet Pics

In true Texas tradition, I attempted to get some photos of G&J in the bluebonnets near our house. They didn't care too much for the tall flowers and grass rubbing their legs, so I had to run into the bluebonnets, get them to follow me, run back out, and take pictures as they were following me out. They turned out pretty cute considering!

Reading the Paper

Last weekend, Jacob and Grace actually read the newspaper. Ok...the Toys 'r Us ad. Still, it was pretty cute!

First Day Out

...in awhile at least. After being on bedrest for 7 weeks, it was nice to have a fun Saturday out with the family! We went and rode the trolley, ate lunch, and played in the fountain.

Grace waiting for the trolley

Jake riding the trolley

By the fountain (he wasn't quite as into it as Grace)

Just a cute one

About to get really wet...

Having a blast!

Easter Baskets

We didn't do so well taking pictures this Easter, but here is one of Grace and Jake with their Easter baskets. They both got a t-shirt, a pair of shorts, some bubble bath, markers, and another small toy.

This one's for you, Gree Gree!

I know this post isn't going to make sense to most of you, but I know Gree Gree and Aunt Kelly will get a laugh. Yes, she is trying to ride Patches...