
Friday, December 28, 2007

Playing with Daddy's Glasses

Don't I look smart?

Christmas in Austin

At the Annual Christmas Eve-Eve Bowling Tournament at the infamous Dart Bowl near the UT campus in Austin, I bowled, George chased G&J, and G&J thoroughly wore themselves out running around like maniacs.

Jake on Christmas Eve in his annual Christmas PJs. Grace was not quite so happy to have her picture taken.

Santa brought us lots of fun stuff to play with on Christmas morning.

We were so tired from our Christmas adventures that we slept almost all the way home from Austin on Christmas afternoon.

Santa visited our house too! We still haven't figured out that our kitchen isn't really a jungle gym.

We had a blast but are all exhausted. The house is a mess from all the packages, Mommy is sick, and G&J are being rather rascally today. Off to do some cleaning and organizing... Mommyhood really is a 24/7 job!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Introducing Clare McMillin O.

Grace and Jacob are going to have a baby sister! Her name will be Clare McMillin O. Clare is the name we planned to use with Grace if Jacob had been a girl, and we love it so much we decided to use it for this baby. McMillin is a family name (my middle name, Gree-gree's middle name, etc), and we decided to pass it along. Here she is...

What happens when Daddy is in charge...

Need I say more?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


It's been awhile since either of us posted anything. It's been a busy November, and from the looks of the calendar, it's going to be an even busier December. Here are some recent pictures.

FYI: Grace has band-aids on her legs because they had to get shots at they 2-year appointment.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Mr. Mozart

Our friends Stephanie, Ryan, and their daughter Beth gave Grace and Jake a xylophone piano for their birthday. The babies love it (and even fight over it from time to time)! Here is a video of Jake displaying his awesome musical talent ;)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween this year! Grace and Jake were a ladybug and a bee in honor of the stuffed animals Grammy brought them from Germany earlier in the year. As usual, G&J refused to cooperate during our attempts at taking pictures. Graham crackers bought us about 10 seconds during which I was able to get this picture. We spent the evening at our street's block party and G&J ran around with lots of other little kids. Needless to say, we were all exhausted at the end of the night!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pictures & More Pictures

Our 2nd Birthday Party

Visiting the Pumpkin Patch

At the Hocus Pocus Symphony

Sunday, October 21, 2007

We're Two!

So posting has been lax as of late. Sorry about that, but hopefully things will pick up soon now that Megan is out of the first trimester and I'm not going to be traveling as much.

Jake and Grace turned 2 on Wednesday, October 3. On their actual birthday Megan and I gave them their present from us - tricycles! They really liked them but didn't quite get the peddling part down. Fortunately the trikes allow us to push and steer the little ones while they hold on.

The following Saturday we had a small birthday party for the babies. They received lots of gifts, their favorites being Little People toys. Here are some pictures from those days:

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Weekend/Craig Biggio's Final Game

There wasn't all that much happening around the new Oggero home this weekend. Dana, the organizer, returned on Saturday to finish what she started on Thursday. She helped Megan and I organize all of our "papers" and unpacked the last of the boxes, meaning we are fully moved in! Grace and Jake enjoyed themselves in the kitchen on Saturday, as evidenced by these pictures:

On Sunday, Megan and I went to the last Astros' game of the season. It was also Craig Biggio's final baseball game. We were very fortunate to be able to see a future Hall of Famer play one last time.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Updates Coming...

Megan has invited me, DH, to guest-blog and post more frequent updates of the babies, etc.... Coming soon will be the latest photos of Jake and Grace, the house, and whatever else comes to mind. Giggity giggity. Giggity goo. Stick around.

Friday, August 10, 2007

2 Videos, 1 New & 1 Old

First the older one. This is from mid-June.

Now the newer one. Our attempt at tee ball earlier in the week.

Major Massive Super Update

Yes, yes... I know... I am a terribly inconsistent blogger, and to my readers (all 2 of you), I apologize. I will try to be better (try being the operative word). That being said, we have been up to quite a lot lately. We have been trying to get approved for a mortgage and just got word this week that we are approved! We are going tomorrow to look at 4-6 different houses in The Woodlands area. Please keep us in your prayers that we find just the right house! Grace and Jake are getting so big and busy. Grace says lots of words, and Jake seems to love throwing temper tantrums. We also have an apple obsession. You'll see what I mean when you look at the photos below. I'll let them speak for themselves. Hopefully, a house-hunting update will appear tomorrow.

Jake, Hard at Work

Grace being a ham

Yay for swimming with apples!

Grace jumping with apple

Jake jumping with apple

Jake swimming with Mommy & the apple

Grace, Mommy's Sunglasses, Apple

Jake, Apple, Popsicle

Grace, Popsicle, Apple

Coloring Apples

Do you want to color?

With Uncle Joe


Sleeping Beauty

Not so sure about these arm floaties...

What the heck is Tee Ball?

More Work!

Sleepy Man

We love each other!

I hope you noticed the apples. We are finally over our obsession, but Grace and Jake carried around apples for quite awhile. Grace only did for maybe a day and a half, but Jake carried around the apple for the better part of a week. He even slept with it!