
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pictures & More Pictures

Our 2nd Birthday Party

Visiting the Pumpkin Patch

At the Hocus Pocus Symphony

Sunday, October 21, 2007

We're Two!

So posting has been lax as of late. Sorry about that, but hopefully things will pick up soon now that Megan is out of the first trimester and I'm not going to be traveling as much.

Jake and Grace turned 2 on Wednesday, October 3. On their actual birthday Megan and I gave them their present from us - tricycles! They really liked them but didn't quite get the peddling part down. Fortunately the trikes allow us to push and steer the little ones while they hold on.

The following Saturday we had a small birthday party for the babies. They received lots of gifts, their favorites being Little People toys. Here are some pictures from those days: