Today is Aunt Kelly's birthday, so the babies and I went to lunch with Aunt Kelly, Aunt Chelsea, and Grammy. We also went to dinner and ate Mexican food (well I did at least, the babies will get theirs later :D). It was a very busy but fun day. I think we are all worn out and need our beauty sleep. Until tomorrow...
George is on the desktop tonight and so are the Bon Jovi pictures, so I'll try to post them tomorrow. Grace and Jake were good today as usual and for the first time ever they both took a good afternoon nap (at the same time nonetheless)! I am so excited. They are also doing a little better at night. I sooooo hope this continues.
Tonight we went to a Bon Jovi concert, our second night out without Grace and Jake. We had a good time and got lots of good pictures (I'll post some tomorrow). The babies are teething and have been rather cranky, so I was a little anxious about leaving them. They were pretty good though. I must say I am exhausted now. Beddy-bye time for me...
So today I change Grace's diaper and put her on the gym mat to play, pick up Jake, and take him to change his diaper. Well I get him on the changing table and take his diaper off and then hear "Wahhhhhhhh!" coming from the other room. So I turn around to see what happened and no Grace. Uh oh... I grab Jake (no diaper, luckily I didn't get peed on) and run into the other room. Grace had rolled off the gym mat, off the rug, and across the wood floor, under Jake's swing and bonked her head on the floor or the wall (I'm not sure which). So I set Jake down on the gym mat (still no diaper, luckily he didn't pee), pick Grace up, and comfort her. I think she startled herself more than anything because there wasn't a scratch or mark to be found. She must have rolled about 8 feet. That's pretty far for a four-month-old. Silly girl. Needless to say I have moved the Pack 'n Play into our bedroom so I have a safe place to put her when I need to do something. ...And the babyproofing begins...
This week Grace has started rolling from front to back as well as from back to front, not to mention she can turn herself every which way from either position. It's already starting... I'm never going to be able to take my eyes off her again...
Well the babies did not sleep through the night last night, not their worst night, not their best either. Oh well... I did get this cute pic of them before we left for church today. It was actually cold here, so they got to wear their cute little hats!
Last night Grace and Jake officially slept through the night for the first time (at least by the medical definition which is sleeping from midnight to 5am). They went to bed at 8pm last night and woke to eat at about 11:30. They were back to sleep by midnight...and here comes the good part... Jake woke again at 5:30 to eat and Grace woke at 6:30. They went back to sleep until about 8am and then we were all up for the day. I can't even say how nice it is to sleep a decent stretch. I feel so much better today than I have in a long time. If only I could be this lucky every night. I hope this is the start of a trend. Will I be that lucky? I'll let you know tomorrow...
My goal was to post on here everyday, but I'm falling down on the job. Somebody kick my butt into gear! George, please remind me when you think of it. Love ya!
Tonight I was going through all of my pregnant belly pictures for a scrapbook page. I came across this picture of me, 34 weeks pregnant, eight days before Grace and Jake were born:
I still have no idea how two babies fit in there. They must have been very squished in there!
This morning George and I took Grace and Jake for their four-month check-up and shots. Our little guys are getting so big! Grace weighs 12lbs 9oz and is 24" long, and Jake weighs 12lbs 2oz and is 23 1/2" long. They each got three shots but were very brave! They were pretty cranky this afternoon, but I gave them some Tylenol and they are feeling much better. Way to grow Grace and Jake!
This is what I have renamed my laptop. Although I do love my computer, I'm a little pissed at it right now. The charge connection has come loose and it is going to cost about $300 to fix. Well we don't have $300 to fix it, and even if we did the computer is probably only worth that much since it is a few years old. Fortunately I was able to get my important files and pics off it. So I guess I'll just have to say bye-bye craputer!
Yes, I did. As part of our nighttime routine, Grace and Jake get baffyschwoos. Most of the time I just get in the bath and take them in with me because they can be so wiggly it is hard to bathe them in the baby bath. Leaning over the big tub isn't very fun either. I've known all along that I was putting myself at risk by doing this. I've already been peed on more times than I can count, but that isn't too bad. It's easy to rinse off. Well, today was the big day. Mr. Jake decided he just couldn't wait, and whoosh! Luckily it wasn't his first poop of the day so it really wasn't that bad. I think when you are a parent these things just don't bother you like they might otherwise.
Now I think I'm getting sick. I can't pinpoint it, but I just don't feel great. Hopefully I won't get too sick. I've been drinking lots of water and taking vitamins. I've also been drinking lots of orange juice for extra vitamin c. At least the babies still seem fine. Hopefully they won't get sick since they are getting antibodies from me.
Grace, Jake, and I always look forward to Tuesdays because we get to see Daddy for a couple of hours in the afternoon when he comes home between his classes (yay for living 3 miles from the law school)! We miss him all week because he is so busy, but Tuesdays (and Thursdays) we get a little extra Daddy time. I'm looking forward to tomorrow already.
I know this is not the most interesting post ever, but I am so tired I cannot think straight. George is sick, the babies have not slept well all week, and I am going to bed.
Today Grace, Jake, and I went to the park to play because it was sunny and warm outside. Too bad only 15 minutes after we got to the park the wind picked up and the temperature dropped. I will say it was fun while it lasted though.
Robeez makes the coolest "shoes" for babies (they are really like leather socks). They help socks stay on and allow the baby to have some grip when playing in the exersaucer or jumpster. Unfortunately they are like $25 a pair, but I recently found out that Target carries knock-offs. Today I bought Grace and Jake each a pair. They are just too cute. Here are some pics:
Today was a very vocal day for both babies. Grace woke up first from both naps, and she sat on my lap gooing, and gaaing, and ahhing, and ooohing while Jake slept. It was so cute! I got the video camera out to try and capture it on film, but she was fascinated with the camera and quit "talking" so she could watch me intently. Jake, usually the quieter of the two, chimed in once he woke from his nap. It was absolutely adorable! Hopefully I can get it on camera soon.