We are so lucky to live near a great performing arts venue! During the Spring, Summer, and Fall, local business sponsor the lawn seating area and anyone can attend at no charge. We try to go as often as we can, and last night we made a quick trip to watch a symphony performance. The kids had fun dancing on the lawn and watching the show. This one featured some Cirque du Soleil performers. Just what Grace needed to see, right? She was already practicing, using Daddy and I as props, during the show. It was a fun, relaxing evening!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Blackberry Picking
A local family invited us out to their farm to pick blackberries, make pies, and have lunch. The kids had such a great time! Although they weren’t too fond of actually picking the blackberries, they had a great time running around the farm and watching the animals.
Jacob picking berries
Picking blackberries before her encounter with the wasps (she got stung on the wrist)
Learning to make the pies
Just thought this one was cute
Having a great time
Monday, May 24, 2010
Lots of Stuff
I got some photos off George’s camera, so not all are super recent.
This one is going to be the death of me. She figured out how to climb out of the backyard. Yay! …not.
My Mother’s Day tulips.
We went to Northshore a couple of weeks ago in the early evening. The kids had fun wading in the water, chasing the ducks, and climbing on the playground.
Our neighbor’s cat had kittens. Grace managed to entice one into our yard. The kids have really had a blast playing with them.
I’ve been working on making up a cleaning/chores schedule/household management thing just to make sure I stay on top of everything. One of my seasonal chores was to wash the car, clean out the inside, vacuum, and clean all the windows. My friend Stephanie recently posted about letting her kids wash their cars, so I decided to give it a try. Other than some soap in the eyes and Clare dumping out the soap bucket about 5 times, I’d say it was a success. They even washed their bikes.
Yesterday we went for a swim at George’s parents’ house. The kids had a blast, and the water felt good. Emma even joined us for a swim.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
One Wiped Out Little Girl
Today we went to Fine Arts and Nature Club at a park about 3 minutes from our house. We were there from about 10:30 until 2ish. The kids ran around non-stop and had a great time. Even though the drive home was so short, Clare was starting to doze off as I pulled into the garage. The twins were telling me that they were hungry (even though we had lunch at the park), so I set her down on the kitchen floor while I got the snacks ready. She was sleepy but awake when I put her down to sit and wait for me. About one minute later, I turned around and she was lying on the floor, still awake, but sleepy. I finished getting the twins settled and turned around again. She was sound asleep. I picked her up and carried her upstairs where she slept soundly for quite awhile.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A Second Outing
Yesterday afternoon we took another outing to the park down the street. The twins rode their bikes, and Clare rode in the stroller. Jake insisted on riding his tricycle even though he can ride his big bike. He’s just enough on the short side that he has trouble on the bigger one when he has to peddle up a hill.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
For the Birds
We’ve seen a beautiful male cardinal in our backyard about 5 out of the last 7 mornings, so and he has sparked an interest in the kids to learn more about birds. I picked up some library books on birds, and we have been slowly reading through them. This morning we went on an outing to a local park to feed the ducks. One of the things we learned is that bread is unhealthy for the ducks. They eat a diet that is mainly plant-based. One suggestion I found was to feed the ducks thawed peas. I had some leftover and decided to give it a try. It proved to be a little tricky. The peas don’t float like pieces of bread. Instead, they sink fairly rapidly. There is a definite technique to getting the ducks to eat them. You have to throw them so that they land within about 6-10 inches of the duck’s head. He then sees it hit the water and can grab it before it sinks too deep. It was actually a pretty fun way to feed the ducks. They would stick their whole heads under water to grab the peas. There 5 ducklings there too. It was neat to be able to show the kids how they still had a lot of downy baby feathers and not a full coat of feathers like the adults. Two turtles even came for a visit, a mommy and her baby.
We also made a clay bird this morning. I haven’t had a chance to take his picture, but I will soon. He’s pretty cute. Once he dries, I think we will paint him red like our little cardinal friend.
I only managed to get a few photos this morning. I was busy trying to make sure no one fell in the water. Fortunately, the ones I managed to get turned out pretty cute. Now everyone is fed and bathed. We’ll head upstairs, read some more bird books, and take a nap if I’m lucky.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Rainy Run
We decided to go for a run first thing this morning. Even though it was cloudy, we thought the rain would hold off. It didn’t. We were about 2 miles out when it started pouring. At first the kids were laughing, but it didn’t take long for it to make them upset. We darted about 1/2 a mile to a nearby park that had a covered pavilion and waited about 10 minutes for the rain to let up. We were able to make it the 2.5 miles back without another downpour, but we were all pretty damp. The kids took a warm bath and are now happily playing.
As we were leaving, I realized I forgot my water bottle, so I went back in the house to get it. The kids looked cute lined up in the strollers, so I grabbed the camera and took a quick picture out the front window.
I’m really struggling with motivation when it comes to running right now. There aren’t really any races until the fall because it is just too hot here all summer. We ran our half marathon back in March, I ran a trail race a few weeks later, and then we ran another short race as a family, but with nothing coming up for months I haven’t been running very often lately. Today’s 5 mile run was easier than I expected given the rain and the fact that I haven’t run in 10 days, but I’m worried that it will get really hard in the fall if I don’t do anything for the next few months. We are contemplating running the Houston marathon in January, so I don’t want to completely slack off. I guess I need to just bite the bullet and run on the treadmill more often. The thing I love about running is the peace and quiet of being outside, and the treadmill just isn’t the same.
Friday, May 14, 2010
A Great Big Sister
Despite her many moments of less than stellar behavior, Grace still manages to amaze me. She put Clare in the swing all by herself and was pushing and spinning her. Clare loved it. I love that they are starting to take care of their sister. Grace will even change her diaper or “read” to her. She loves to play dolls with Clare, and she really can be such a help! I got this video this morning of them playing together.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Happy 2nd Birthday Clare!
I know I’m late posting this, but my baby girl is now 2! How did that happen? Really. Please tell me. It really seems like yesterday that she was this little tiny 7lb 6oz baby with a head full of thick dark hair.
Clare had a great birthday. We didn’t have a party this year, but we had some family members and her Godparents over for dinner and cake. Clare was excited to get all the attention. She even successfully blew out her own candle!
2 years ago…
Catch Up Post
I’ve been very, very, very bad about blogging lately, so this post is primarily one to bring everything up to date. We’ve been doing a lot of typical, everyday activities, but not much to write about. Everyone has been healthy and growing. I’m constantly amazed at how fast time goes by, faster and faster everyday. The twins are starting to read and write, and Clare is talking in complete sentences. I can’t imagine my life without these three little ones or their partner in crime (That would be you, George). They surprised me with 30 tulips this morning. It was adorable to see them so excited to give them to me. It’s been a great Mother’s Day! Here are some pictures we’ve taken over the last few months:
Helping Aunt Kelly blow out her candles
This one loves to swing! I swear she would be happy if we did it all day long.
My monkey.
A rare one of all three in one picture. This was on the playground at church while we were teaching Baptism classes.
Reading to her cat
Not sleeping.
Waiting for Fine Arts and Nature Club to start
Ready for the hunt
It didn’t take Clare long to figure out the logistics of the Easter Egg hunt.
A Success!
Painting rocks at the Bayou City Art Festival (we missed you Aunt Kelly :P)
Dyeing Easter Eggs
Nursing her doll (she’s a smart one!)
Before swimming lessons
My Snow White twins
Sweet Man
Naptime (love this!)
Lot at all the teeth!
Trying to make Emma go down a slide (don’t worry, I rescued her right after the picture).
We’ve been quite fascinated with all the caterpillars roaming our area lately
Loving her puppy
A rare one of us (taken at Marisa’s wedding)
Fun in the sprinklers (love the free fun! I needed to water the grass anyway.)
Waiting for Daddy to finish his trail run
Here he comes! I love how you can see the twins watching him.